Our mission is to promote health via natural medicine, particularly, proteins derived from chickens' and other animals' eggs. Our practitioners' and researchers' focus has been on treating many very prevalent and increasing ailments caused by gram positive bacteria, especially streptococcus pyogenes - the ancient vampirism. We are vampire slayers.
J R's research into and application of natural medicines to combat debilitating and likely mortal ailments
Beginning in 2018, I incurred a skin infection. It persisted for over 4 years despite 4 2-week rounds of antibiotics Bactrim and Cephalexin (the best available to treat my assayed Streptococcus Class A diagnosis). Simultaneously, I incurred increasing blood pressure and was concerned about the heart attacks that claimed my brother and father at around my age then (52). Streptococcus Pyogenes is Class A Strep. It is a small, ubiquitous prokaryote that perhaps every human hosts. The first Strep infections date back to ring worms 300 MYA.
Beginning in 2019, I learnt that Pyogenes was good at making plaque (peptidoglycan) structures. I suspected these plaque formations were exacerbating many ailments, including the heart disease that claimed my father and brother. I began looking for enzymes and other natural compounds that might break or dissolve peptidoglycan. I found many! In eggs, herbs, yeast, garlic, plant oils, onion, fungi and probiotics.
Remarkably, my wife, Carrie Johnson Paulsen (, had also previously recommended garlic and neem oil. Carrie also developed topicals containing CBD, comfy and her garden's herbs to cure her father's joint and spinal pain and stiffness. Her understanding came from an inexplicable mix of herbology, witchcraft, intuition and sensitivity.
IN 2019, I ordered some enzymes, made a topical from them and experienced immediate relief from the antibiotic resistant infection. About a month later, my access to the medicine and treatment was interrupted until 2022.
Beginning in 2022, I created topicals using everything my research indicated would be effective at the recurring skin infection including peroxide and sunbathing to expose plaques close to the surface of my skin to UV, which also break bonds within peptidoglycan molecules. A persistent lesion on my lower left neck, which sometimes resembled a double puncture or bite mark, was an opening into a lymph node connected to my left thoracic cavity.
I knew from medical research that the Pyogenes was adept at spreading through the lymphatic system. I suspect that overpopulation of the Pyogenes and overproduction of its plagues in lymphatic tissues around the heart is a leading contributor to heart disease, particularly in males 45 and older. Such overproduction may lead to swelling and stiffening of tissues around the heart (which increases circulatory resistance, thus blood pressure) as well as compromising lymphatic and immune systems' ability to drain, heal and protect the heart.
I found research about how HPV and the cancers it causes could also propagate through the lymphatic system and that persistent Strep. infections and how the presence of Strep. in breast milk correlated with cancer. There is a significantly higher rate of left breast cancer than right (about 20% higher). The reasons, as of 2022, were still being debated. I suspect the about 20 percent higher concentration of lymphatic tissue in the left thoracic cavity (which then hosts a higher population Pyogenes along with the higher incidents of cancers it exacerbates) accounts for much if not most of this difference.
With my blood pressure increasing and experiencing heart pains and feeling stiff patches around my heart, I began using a bottle with a nozzle to force a solution of distilled water and enzymes into my lesion and could feel the treatments eventually proceed through lymphatic tubes running through my heart. I also massaged many topicals including garlic essence, onion essence, neem and almond oils and garden herbs Carrie supplied nearly daily onto my chest and neck. About three months of daily treatments accompanied the reduction of my 140+/80+ blood pressure to about 110/60 now and the palpable softening of stiff patches around my heart and the cessation of often piercing and alarming pain emanating from adjacent areas of my heart. I suspect I cured myself, at least temporarily, of the very common Pyogenes lymphatic infection that took Steven and James.
By August of 2022, I wanted to see if our medicine could treat other conditions, especially the tinnitis (ringing in my right ear since a traumatic brain injury in 2018), and any possible amyloid-plague induced damage or dementia that I suspect is caused primarily by gram positive bacteria, especially the Pyogenes, and the worst of those infections are introduced by ear, eye and sinus infections or by vulnerabilities created by head injuries or any kind of organic brain damage.
If an infection enters the brain via the nose, or outer or inner ears, it might create a hole between otherwise separated cavities and membranes. The Pyogenes might also have left these doors open, which could allow enzymes to penetrate and attack the plaques and Pyogenes from within the brain's own lymphatic system. I began using enzyme solutions as an ear wash and nasal drink. My tinnitis began to fade after three months. Certain cognitive and emotional symptoms seemed to fade, yet I can't objectively cite a relief from dementia. Other cognitive and emotional symptoms did appear which might have been attributable to the unavoidable swelling that will result from the rapid stripping away of plaque and agitation of its underlying Pyogenes. I may have introduced the medicine to my brain too quickly - at a pace faster than immune and healing systems to attack the underlying Pyogenes and eliminate its antigens. The enzymes can work TOO well.
From November of 2022 until July of 2024, I was unable to use any natural medicines. My tinnitis and many other symptoms that had been relieved while taking our medicine returned during that time.
Since July of 2024, I have resumed what seems to have been the most effective medicines and application and most of the above symptoms have receded again, which the exception of the tinnitis. In August, I began using an eye wash, along with an inverted pressurized nasal drink of enzyme solutions.
I was diagnosed with myopia at about 14. At that time, I noticed the appearance of orange coloration in my irises and that my vision was often radically better or worse than my usual slight near-sightedness. The orange and occasional radical variations have persisted since.
I received my latest prescription for moderate myopia in about December of 2023. Medical statistics have recently found strong correlations between the visible appearance of the orange brown plaque formations in the eyes and myopia and Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is now known to be exacerbated by amyloid-plaques in the brain. Now there is a method of pre-diagnosing one's propensity for Alzheimer's by detecting the plaques in eyes.
In September, I recorded a prediction my treatments might begin to dissolve the plaques, change the coloration of my eyes and improve my vision.
On October 9, I experienced a radical improvement in my vision. I took the high resolution photos of my eyes pictured above. I hope that subsequent high resolution pictures will prove the plaques are disappearing in tandem with continuing and permanent documentable improvements in my vision. Thus far, the lower resolution pictures of my eyes seem to confirm gradual disappearance of the orange-brown plaques.
I also have photographic evidence of improved pigmentation and health of my hair and skin (hair turning from white to brown, orange or blond) in tandem with my applications of solutions and salves of the natural medicines we studied and applied.
In Loving Memory of Carrie Johnson Paulsen
Carrie and I dreamt of furthering a healing practice with our medicines. ChickenBiotics is a nonprofit dedicated to Carrie's vision of research, proving, advocating for, and disseminating natural, safe, least-invasive remedies.
Our Strategies and Mission Statement
Once it is proven that our medicines can treat, cure and prevent myopia, antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, many cases of heart disease, several common cancers, Alzheimer's, tinnitis, arthritis, sleep apnea, premature whitening and wrinkling, many vaccine-resistant viruses, pneumonia, tooth cavities and much more, including many such as myopia and Alzheimer's, currently considered incurable, and it promotes regeneration then the Naturopathic community will work with ChickenBiotics to further research and refine and integrate our medicines and applications.
To open or cooperate with existing research clinics to test natural medicines and applications for pets and people while thoroughly documenting applications and results to further Naturopathic science. To supply cheap or free natural medicines, medicinal recommendations and applications to the poor at at least one research clinic.
To create an open source science forum to allow for remote recommendation of medicines, applications and dosages of natural medicines to volunteering clients and reporting and compiling of results to further naturopathic science by providing broad evidence and statistical support for the medicines' efficacy.
To advocate for the appropriate diversion of public and private, medical and research funding, resources and educational and medical focus from invasive, artificial, uneconomical and reactive medical applications, and corporate charity and toxic pharmaceuticals in favor of least-invasive, natural, cheap and proactive applications.
To advocate for natural medicines that can help heal and engage the lymphatic and immune systems so the patient can improve and sensitize their own immunity and combat more of their ailments on their own. This is a better strategy than allopathic medicine's reliance on antibiotics which creates dependence on those antibiotics, fosters rapid development of antibiotic resistance and does nothing to sensitize our immune systems to the underlying pathogens.
To cultivate and nurture, humanely and sustainably, all living sources of natural medicine we recommend, apply or distribute. To advocate, publicize and form coalitions for public and private biodiversity preservation, seed, spore and gamete banking of as much biodiversity as possible (beginning with the medicine sources ChickenBiotics will harness and cultivate, including the herbs from Carrie's Garden), humane animal treatment, animal rights, free ranging for all medicine and animal-product animals, ending animal meat consumption and organic food and medicine. To advocate for, and strive for top certification in, these criterion when cultivating and sourcing our medicines.
An increasingly population of pathogens are employing plaques as a means of hiding from our immune systems because peptidoglycan's non-specific physical and chemical properties make it difficult for immune cell to find and recognize them. Pyogenes is able to grow sharp plaque formations that can cut through many tissues and enable it to penetrate cavities into organs that are very sensitive to the plaques and pathogens, such as our brains. Organic brain damage and ear, eye or sinus injuries or infections can create vulnerabilities whereby pathogens and plaques are introduced. The same vulnerabilities can create an opening for other pathogens to threaten vital organs. Some long COVID strains now use peptidoglycan to disguise their antigen spikes from immune cell recognition and also to penetrate the brain from the upper sinuses, above the eyes, making it a neurodegenerative disease. Other viruses, including cancer-causing HPV are also beginning to adopt this strategy. HPV also spreads through lymphatic tissue - just like Pyogenes. Much statistical evidence collaborates Pyogenes as a cancer causer or aggravator.
By applying narrowly-targeted, safe, natural, peptidoglycan lysing and dissolving medicines to these plaque formations one can reduce or eliminate some of the most dangerous pathogenic symptoms (such as plague formations that can cut through brain and heart tissues). By lysing and dissolving the plaque, the medicines expose the underlying pathogens. Then our immune systems can identify those pathogens and produce antibodies against them. The medicine might also make resistant pathogens and cancers more responsive to antibodies, antibiotics and vaccines.
To find and inform populations vulnerable to highly symptomatic Pyogenes strains and other risks treatable with natural medicines and offer them those medicines. As global population grows and increasingly mingles this will become increasingly important - as will natural medicine.
To supply an organized research forum for the compilation and corroboration of research into and results of natural medicines. This will include further research into the Pyogenes, evolutional biology and the remarkably healing proteins found in eggs.
To find the best medicine chickens and nurture them and humanely and sustainably harness their medicine.
To disseminate the natural medicines we recommend for the specific conditions we agree is indicated to the specific clients we recommend them to who agree to supply feedback and results in order to further corroboration and science. We may charge an arbitrary amount for said medicine. All proceeds beyond the cost of supplying the medicine and all tax-deductible contributions will go to furthering ChickenBiotics' efforts.
Take the First Step to Natural Healing with Chicken Biotics
Everyone can help. Your contribution is an investment that will save lives. If you have nothing and need medicine then you can receive cheap or free medicines from ChickenBiotics, as soon as we can afford to supply them, if you agree to document your treatment results and help everyone by helping us prove the medicine works. I invite anyone in the medical or academic communities and other dedicated, innovative natural medicine novices to correspond and advise this effort. Thank you.
After: These photos from 10/31/2024, show lightening of the orange-brown plaques from the before pictures from 10/09/2024 to a light-orange to yellow color, in tandem with application of plaque-attacking natural medicines and consistent improvement in vision. I predicted these improvements days before. To my knowledge, I am the first to accomplish this.
Taken on November 3, 2024. Significant lightening, color changes and reduction in area of brown plaques since October 9, 2024. I am 55 - an age at which most men with my pyogenes infection experience a rapid acceleration of plaque formations in their eyes and elsewhere along with loss of vision and Alzheimer's. Instead my vision is improving. This is proof of a unique, original, beneficial medicinal effect and a potential cure for Alzheimer's
I've had much of that plague in my eyes since 1982, when I first incurred myopia. For the first time since, the plaques are diminishing instead of spreading.
Pyogenes and the Ancient Vampirism
Pyogenes and the Vampire myth
The appearance of a dual puncture, bite- or fang-like marks on my neck and other symptoms and the Pyogenes's susceptibility to garlic led me to hypothesize, in 2021, that particularly symptomatic Pyogenes strains were the inspiration for folklore that evolved into the myth of vampirism.
In 2024, I met a Matthew who described having had an antibiotic-resistant infection that caused a lesion in his neck that also featured a dual puncture. One on the lymphatic system's main tasks is to carry wastes and infection away from sensitive organs to where it can be assimilated or expelled. If infection builds up faster than the lymphatic system can expel it, a lesion may form whereby a lymph node can excrete the excess infection. The main lymph node in the neck may be a common site for such lesions which may also commonly produce the dual-puncture pattern, perhaps due to the shape of the node. Perhaps these commonalities were observed hundreds of years ago in those afflicted with the strange and frightening advanced Pyogenes symptoms then called vampirism and it was assumed they had been bitten and infected, perhaps by another vampire.
The Pyogenes's susceptibility to garlic might also have been noted and incorporated by Carrie-Paulsen-like good witches in eastern Europe in to lore meant to inform herbal remedies. Garlic has long been used symbolically as a ward against evil spirits and in medicines in many cultures.
The peptidoglycans and their underlying Pyogenes growing on or near the surface of the skin are susceptible UV. When damaged or attacked, the Pyogenes can release very toxic acid and antigens. This can irritate the skin and impel a severely infected person to avoid the sun and perhaps become nocturnal.
Many animals have parasites that have found means of manipulating that animal's behavior to benefit the parasite. The behavior induced usually manipulates the host in a way that helps spread the parasite. Pyogenes, may have evolved behavior-altering abilities. I suspect Alzheimer's is behavior-alteration by Pyogenes in its persistent, multicellular form. Pyogenes can be spread through open sores or orifices, forceful physical contact and sex. Much research needed on this premise.
If the amyloid-plaque-assisted damage from Alzheimer's is random then why the consistency in its behavioral symptoms? Is that consistency due to Pyogenes effecting host behavior in a way that transmits it? Does the Alzheimer's caused by Pyogenes specifically target the parts of the brain that effect that behavior?
Perhaps the myth of vampires biting was an observation of extreme Pyogenes infections in which the host was compelled to spread their Pyogenes by attacking prospective hosts. An extreme infection or Alzheimer's case can effectively lobotomize a host until they are essentially zombies with little ability or inclination to do anything except perhaps obey the Pyogenes' instructions to attack people and spread it. So Pyogenes may have contributed to the zombie myth.
Initial draft posted 10/31/2024,
Happy Hallows’ Eve